Calling all residents!

Climate change is having a devastating effect across the globe increasing the likelihood of flooding, drought and heat stress, putting us at risk, and leaving no place for nature to thrive.

Temperatures are continuing to rise – by as much as 5 degrees over the next few decades.  The rainfall across winter months will increase, while summer will see less rain when it’s needed most. Storms, heatwaves and droughts will become more frequent and severe.

But it’s the changes that you can see on your very own doorstep that we need your help with.

What does climate change mean to the residents of Slough, and what can we do now to make the biggest, most impactful difference in our community?


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Flood Action Groups

The National Flood Forum is working in the area to support flooded communities, working with residents and ensuring they’re at the heart of decision-making in their neighbourhood.

You can join one of our groups, for support and access to the right professionals needed to make the right changes in your area.

The core areas of focus are Burnham, Farnham and Cippenham, and the first Flood Action Group, which was formed in Chalvey in 2023.

Our project 'catchment' area

Project Sponge is working specifically in the Chalvey Ditches and Salt Hill Stream areas.

These ‘catchments’ have been specifically chosen to build on previous work in the location and to try more practical, innovative approaches in a changing climate.

We’re asking residents in those areas to come together, to share, connect and learn from one another, to benefit their neighbourhood.


Climate Action Cafés

We’re holding regular Climate Action Cafés in the area.

These are community-organised gatherings that give you the opportunity for open conversations about the climate, our environment and how it makes us feel.

Climate Action Café means we can act together to ensure our community is better protected.


There are many community groups in the local area, where residents can get together regularly, and volunteer their time to help. Getting out in the fresh air and helping improve the local area, is a great way to meet people and improve wellbeing….and we even manage to have fun while we’re at it!

The Salt Hill Park volunteers group meets in Salt Hill Park every Thursday at 10am.

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